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Art by
Verena Wild

inspired by
nature and spirit
to capture the magic and beauty around us.

Original Art
Inquire about an original via mail or get my free painting catalogue for detailed information

“Magic exists.
Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? ”
(~Nora Roberts)

Selfportrait, Jan. 2018
Hello there~
My name is Verena, I'm a visionary artist from Germany, and create Acrylic art to capture the magic and beauty around us.
Nature is full of intricate beauty patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. Together, let us honor our connection to this marvelous web of life. It is the source where all deep inspiration comes from.
Read more about my background

Get my free painting catalogue...
...and more creative inspiration into your mailbox if you sign up to my (very rare) Museletter.
The catalogue contains infos about size, medium, prices, background stories of available originals.
The Gift of Gratitude
With a donation, you support me to create more meaningful art in the future.
I'm endlessly grateful for your generosity and support <3

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